

1101 North Main Street
Edgerton, WI 53534


Open Hours

Mon/Tues: Closed
Wed/Thurs/Friday: 10-5
Sat 9-4 | Sun: 9-2

Exotics – Jujubes – Moon Grapes – Cherry Bomb Peppers

Exotics – Jujubes – Moon Grapes – Cherry Bomb Peppers

New exotics have landed at Ponics Produce in Edgerton Wi Jujubes A wonderful fruit you may have never tried. They can be eaten while still green to a deep shriveled red giving you a different experience each time. Similar in size to a crab apple, they are almost like...
Chayote Squash – The Columbian Exchange

Chayote Squash – The Columbian Exchange

Do you remember back in school when you learned about the Columbian Exchange? What was the Columbian Exchange you ask? Well as Worldhistory.org puts it “The Columbian exchange is a term coined by Alfred Crosby Jr. in 1972 that is traditionally defined as the...
Exotic: Korean Melons, Cactus Fruit, Rose Apples Oh My!

Exotic: Korean Melons, Cactus Fruit, Rose Apples Oh My!

In case you haven’t heard the news around the grapevine… Ponics Produce always has something new and exotic in the shop for you to come and tantalize your tastebuds with so Come in this week to try something new at Ponics Produce in Edgerton, We have such...